BUSAN , KOREA This week Bali Film Commission (BFC) joined with eleven other Commissioners from seven countries in forming the Asian Film Commissions Network (AFCNet).
Japan , Malaysia, Korea, China, Russia, Vietnam and Indonesia participated in the signing of the AFCNet Declaration recognizing the need for a locally based professional organization that understands the challenges and benefits of working in the region. There are over 300 film commission and production support organizations in the world, with 80 of them based in Asia.
Sighting the steady film industry growth over the past two decades, the concept of AFCNet was first presented in October 2003 during the Busan International Film Commission and Industry Showcase.
By joining forces AFCNet or The Network aims to make Asia the center of film production for the future and gain greater exposure for the region in the world film market.
Indonesia’s diverse locations, variety of ethnic groups and the ability to access almost anything will contribute greatly to improving international production opportunities in the region.
Japan will host the next AFCNet committee meeting to be held June 2004 in Matsumoto City, Nagano-ken.