Quest for Global Healing Film Series

With Bali as the backdrop, the film series of 15 films included feature films, shorts, and documentaries by noted and up-and-coming artists from all corners of the globe, with two world premiers and many international premiers.

Representing their own films at the event are Julia Fraser, producer, Osama (2004 Golden Globe Award Winner); Will Arntz, Producer/Screenwriter, What the Bleep!?; James Cavanaugh, Director, Healing Words: the Hospital; Damani Baker, Director, Return; and Jon Fine, Director, Herbie Hancock: Possibilities.

TeraZo Restaurant & Bar on Jalan Suweta, Ubud held a private reception in honor of the filmmakers. Hosted by the proprietor Karen Waddell, the party was the highlight of the post-Film Series event.

Held in conjunction, the Quest For Global Healing conference brings together Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, world leaders, human rights, and social activists including; Bishop Desmond Tutu, Jody Williams and Betty Williams, Fatima Gailani head of Red Crescent Afghanistan, KH Abdurrahman Wahid former President of Indonesia and leader of the world’s largest Muslim party.