The Bali Film Center has seized on the opportunity to attract more filmmakers to its scenic locations now that Indonesia has become a carnet country.
Indonesia became the 85th country/territory to join the ATA Carnet system and began accepting ATA Carnets last May. Indonesia accepts ATA Carnets for the intended uses of: Exhibitions and Fairs and Professional Equipment.
Bali Film Center (BFC) is a private sector organization focusing on professional production support and services for filming throughout Indonesia. Originally established in 2002 under the Bali Government Tourism Authority, BFC enjoys strong support from National and Provincial Government Agencies. BFC is a founding member of Asian Film Commission Network (AFCNet) and founder of the annual Bali International Film Festival.
American Deborah Gabinetti heads a team having more than 35 years combined experience in television, film and theater production, international print media, publicity and public relations. BFC provides complete logistical support; facilitates permits, location scouting, casting, crew & equipment hire and research.
The Bali Film Center also recently became listed in the International Film Commissions Carnet Directory. BFC is not only listed in the directory but is featured as a “starred” film commission that provides carnet information to U.S. filmmakers shooting abroad. Thank you, BFC, for your participation!